Monday, April 21, 2008

Have a moving sale!

Although I believe is it never good to live in the Land of What If/If Only, I often had the thought, "If only... I could just pack up, relocate and start over." Then reality sets in and my husband gently reminds me that we have too much stuff to just "pack up and go". Sigh... (sound of bubble bursting). It would definitely NOT be an easy journey, no matter how rose-colored my glasses.

Nonetheless, I still ask myself... "If I had to move, what would I take? What would I leave behind?" My answers amaze me! Of course it would only be the basic necessities, momentos, clothes, furniture, etc. After a while, I begin to purge all the unnecessary possessions in my mind. But wait? Are they not the same things that clutter my world right now? I just decide to put up with it all!

So it struck me... why not have a moving sale? No, everything musn't go, just the things that I hold me back from starting fresh with a lighter load! Brilliant? Yes. Easy? I doubt it, but it's worth a shot. So that's my 2008 spring thing... make a list of the things I wouldn't take with me and sell them, donate them, or throw them away.

Sounds absolutely freeing, doesn't it? I'll tell you just how much when I'm done. Stay tuned!


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